About Me

Sketch of me

Hi adventurer! I’m delighted you made it to one of these frightening and unmapped realms of the internet - a collection of articles on the topic of computerology.

What brings you here, my dear little fella, in a such a dark and stormy night? Come - sit down next to the fireplace. Can I pour you a drink?

Let me say a couple of words about myself before we get to the real topics. As you might know, I’ve been given the name Andreas. Andreas, born to a family of respected carpenters a long time ago. Hence, Andreas Zimmerer they call me in my mother tongue. I succumbed myself to this witchcraft of personal computers. Magic devices of unparalleled power as never seen before. And yet, nobody fears them. I do…

Oh, besides that, I studied computer science at TU Munich, heavily specializing on data processing systems. It happens that I also participated TU Munich’s elite graduate program “software engineering”, where I did even more things related to databases. That’s also the reason why I wrote my Master Thesis at MIT in Tim Kraska’s group, with Andreas Kipf being my advisor, and co-supervised by Alfons Kemper and Thomas Neumann. I also worked on TiKV for a bit. Now my paths lead me to Snowflake where I work on all “selective query speedup”-things.

Besides that, I have an abundance of cute little green friends at home and I love traveling around the world with friends, go sailing for a bit, play some guitar and so on. Also I’m a certified bartender.


Talks and Presentations

Places you’ll find my name: - https://people.csail.mit.edu/kipf/cv.pdf - Testimonial: https://careers.snowflake.com/us/en/berlin-germany - https://tufast-eco.de/?page_id=785&lang=de - https://tufast-eco.de/?page_id=788 - https://tufast-eco.de/?page_id=787&lang=de - https://medium.com/googledeveloperseurope/organizing-a-dsc-solution-challenge-kickoff-dsc-munich-7c4942b91f6e - https://github.com/Ciruman/QuarkFX - https://www.cncf.io/blog/2021/07/13/spring-term-lfx-program-largest-graduating-class-with-28-successful-cncf-interns/ - https://www.elitenetzwerk.bayern.de/en/home/active-network/events - https://elite-se.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/guest-lecture-by-andreas-zimmerer-from-snowflake-1-6-2023/